Our toddler group, for children under five and those who look after them, meets on a Friday providing a safe space for you and your children to relax and play. Our welcoming team ensures there lots of things for your little ones to do, from playing with a wide variety of toys to simple craft activities and singing together.

Little Treasures meets each Friday morning between 10am and 11.30am during term times.  There is no need to book and you can join the session at any time.

There is a small charge of £2 per family per session. Refreshments are provided throughout the morning for you and your child, and there is a designated baby area where your little ones can play safely. We have a wide range of toys for them to enjoy, there is always a craft table, and the session ends with a time of singing.



I am a retired Teacher of the Deaf with knowledge of language development and signing.  While doing the craft work I like to encourage the children’s hand skills and language.  Singing with the children is great fun and hopefully encourages even the most shy to take part.




I was an infant teacher for 15 years and love to help and share my knowledge with young families.


I am a pensioner and live on my own; volunteering at Little Treasures helps to keep me young at heart.  I like standing at the door and welcoming people as they arrive; watching the children play is fascinating and I am always amazed how fast they grow.



As a Mum of three and Grandma to four, as well as having been a Reception Classroom Assistant, Primary School Governor and Rainbow Guider, I understand what a difficult and demanding job caring for young children can be.  By sharing my experiences and giving support, I hope to make that job more fulfilling and enjoyable for those who attend Little Treasures.